10 minutes radical rest
Today’s challenge:
Take ten minutes out of your busy shedule to fit in the most radical act: Rest.
So often we can tell ourselves we simply don’t have time to practice yoga, to tend to our own self care. When we are the most busy, that’s often when we need to practice most.
This practice is for YOU.
It is perfectly suited to the Adaptive blend rollerbottle, but works really well without the oil too.
What’s in Adaptiv? CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade Lavender, Copaiba, Rosemary, Magnolia, Neroli, and Sweetgum essential oils come together to create a soothing, relaxing atmosphere, while Wild Orange and Spearmint contribute uplifting aromas.
Whether you’re feeling fatigued or restless, indecisive or irritable, Adaptiv can help as you engage in self-care activities, like this ten minute restorative practice.
Grab your Adaptiv here if you don’t yet have one, use this link: https://doterra.me/3WZ03_
Let me know how you like it
Yoga for when you’re too tired to do anything